too stupid to be having this conversation

Passion in the Workplace

Passion in the Workplace

Much has been written about hiring for passion: seeking out engineers who... * spend as much of their time programming and interacting with computers as possible. * identify with your company's mission and believe it lends their life a sense of purpose (John Doerr's whole missionaries-not-mercena[...]

Succeeding as a Mid-Career Hire

Succeeding as a Mid-Career Hire

Starting your first job is tough: you have to juggle learning the ropes of professional life alongside skilling up as a new engineer. You might believe the going gets easier each subsequent job switch. Sorry to disappoint: it doesn't–taking a new job mid-career comes with increased expectations.

The Privilege of Vulnerability

The Privilege of Vulnerability

Opening this blog took longer than I am proud to admit. In truth, I was afraid of putting my ideas out there. What if I accidentally expose myself as incompetent? It didn't matter to me that virtually no one was going to read the blog, I was not comfortable with that level of vulnerability.
